If you're solving just 3000 captchas a day, you're eligible to solve unlimited captchas with CaptchaAI which could save more than $250 per month on the cost of solving captcha. That's because with this service, you can opt for unlimited captcha solving starting at only $15!
We support a wide range of Captcha Types including reCAPTCHA 100%, hCaptcha 100%, 27,500+ image captchas, Solve Media, Google captcha, and many captcha types
With CaptchaAI, you can easily solve software captchas without any hassle. Just set the software Captcha options to be integrated with CaptchaAI and let the tool do its job.
CaptchaAI brands itself as the affordable, reliable captcha service. You can solve an unlimited number of captchas and it's one of the lesser-known services
CaptchaAI is the perfect solution for anyone who needs to quickly and easily bypass unlimited captchas. Unlimited captchas are no problem for you anymore.
Human Emulator helps your to automate any tasks across Chromium or Internet Explorer
Everything you can do in the browser can be automated like Auto-fill forms, text boxes, and other elements on any website like a human.
Extract and sorting data(the prices, analytics, keywords, images, products etc.) and report generation. Parsing any data with possibility of saving in various formats.
It's easy to solve Human Emulator captchas by using CaptchaAI!