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Solve imacros Captcha with ease by CaptchaAI

With CaptchaAI, run your software easily!

CaptchaAI, The first "reCAPTCHA", "hCaptcha" OCR solver

With CaptchaAI, Save Your $$

If you're facing high captcha costs and need to solve more in a day, CaptchaAI operates with unlimited captcha solving for $15 per month enabling you to save more than $250 over the course of the year.

Captcha Types

CaptchaAI supports many captcha types like reCAPTCHA , hCaptcha, 27,500+ image captchas, and Invisible reCAPTCHA .

Low cost!

CaptchaAI makes solving captchas affordable by giving you as many as you need. No more worrying about the high monthly costs of solving captchas.

Perfect Quality

CaptchaAI not only enables users to pass captchas with less confusion, it also ensures that the process is done quickly without lowering accuracy.

Rationalize your money through CaptchaAI!

With CaptchaAI, you'll be able to solve captchas more affordably.

CaptchaAI quickly solves difficult captchas
If you're looking for a powerful and accurate, fast-acting captcha solver, then CaptchaAI is for you. With it, you can quickly have The Software Captchas solved with at least 99.9% accuracy in just 15 seconds or less.
Choose Your Plan!
Solve Captcha
Solve imacros Captchas with CaptchaAI!
iMacros web automation software works with every website to make it easy for you to record and replay repetitious work. it Automate Data Entry into Web Forms, Extract Text and Image Data and Automate Web Upload/Download. imacros is one of the software that requires Captcha Recognition, CaptchaAI is the best solution for that!
It's very simple;
- From Settings, Choose Captcha services
- Update the Key input with your CaptchaAI key
- Click Check Balance.
- If everything is set you will get a number
- Click "Save"
Now, leave it to do the rest!
Start Now!

Eliminate your Expense, Increase your Profits!

It's time to choose your Captcha plan!

Why spend your time solving UNLIMITED reCAPTCHA, hCaptcha, SolveMedia, and other captchas when you could use CaptchaAI.