
Solve RankerX Captcha with CaptchaAI

CaptchaAI is the world’s first “reCAPTCHA” and “hCaptcha” OCR solver.
We're completely dedicated to our users, and that's why we support lots of different captcha types, including reCAPTCHA, hCaptcha, and Solve Media. We also have more than 27,500 image captchas.
Get Started Now!
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Solve reCAPTCHA - Save Your $$

If you solve 3000 captchas per day, You are now with CaptchaAI able to save $250+ from your monthly expenses on Captcha solving. Thanks to CaptchaAI you are ready to solve unlimited captchas at prices starting from $15 only!

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Captcha Types

CaptchaAI supports reCAPTCHA 100%, hCaptcha 100%, 27,500+ image captchas, reCAPTCHA v2, Invisible reCAPTCHA, Solve Media, etc.

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Integrate easily

CaptchaAI can be connected to any programs or scripts that require captcha recognition. No need to be an expert, Just use the emulator and start!

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Semi-Zero Cost

CaptchaAI is affordable, You can solve an infinite number of captchas and save a lot of your spent dollars monthly on Captcha solving.

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CaptchaAI is a leading provider of captcha-solving services, with an accuracy rate of up to 99.9%. It solves Captcha with the highest accuracy rate possible

How to solve RankerX captchas by using CaptchaAI?

RankerX is a backlink autopilot software for SEO, It requires Captcha recognition. You can use CaptchaAI Emulator to solve RankerX Captcha in few steps:

Step-1: From Settings, Choose Captcha option
Update the Key input with your CaptchaAI key
Step-2: Click Check Balance.
If everything is set you will get a number, but if there is any problem in the Key or app setting you will get an “invalid login”
Do the same thing in Google Captcha tap

Save Your Money

Choose your CaptchaAI plan now!

Solve UNLIMITED reCAPTCHA, hCaptcha, SolveMedia, and many other captcha types!